investigate objects and events in their immediate environment, and use appropriate language to develop understanding and to communicate results
demonstrate and describe ways of using materials and tools to help answer science questions and to solve practical problems
describe how science and technology affect their lives and those of people and other living things in their community
undertake personal actions to care for the immediate environment and contribute to responsible group decisions
ask questions about objects and events in the immediate environment and develop ideas about how those questions might be answered
observe and explore materials and events in the immediate environment and record the results
identify patterns and order in objects and events studied
work with others and share and communicate ideas about their explorations
recognize the role and contribution of science in their understanding of the world
Evident when students, for example:
give examples of science in their own lives
give examples of how objects studied and investigations done in class relate to the outside world
recognize that scientific ideas help us to explain how or why events occur
show interest in and curiosity about objects and events within the immediate environment
willingly observe, question, and explore
Evident when students, for example:
ask "why" and "how" questions about observable events
ask many questions related to what is being studied
participate in show-and-tell activities, bringing objects from home or sharing a story or an observation
ask questions about what scientists do
express enjoyment from being read to from science books
seek out additional information from library books and digital discs
express enjoyment in sharing science-related information gathered from a variety of sources, including discussions with family members and friends
ask to use additional science equipment to observe objects in more detail
express the desire to find answers by exploring and conducting simple experiments
consider their observations and their own ideas when drawing a conclusion
appreciate the importance of accuracy
be open-minded in their explorations
Evident when students, for example:
raise questions about the world around them
willingly record observations in a given format
compare results of an experiment with other classmates
use observations to draw a conclusion or verify a prediction
take the time to measure with care
willingly explore a change and its effects
choose to follow directions when they complete a simple investigation
express the desire to find answers by conducting simple experiments
work with others in exploring and investigating
Evident when students, for example:
willingly share ideas and materials
respond positively to others' questions and ideas
take on and fulfil a variety of roles within the group
participate in science-related activities with others, regardless of their age or their physical or cultural characteristics
respond positively to other people's views of the world
be sensitive to the needs of other people, other living things, and the local environment
Evident when students, for example:
ensure that living things are returned to an adequate environment after a study is completed
demonstrate awareness of the need for recycling and willingness to do something about it
show concern for other students' feelings or needs
care for living things that are kept in their classroom
clean reusable materials and store them in a safe place
willingly suggest how we can protect the environment
show concern for their safety and that of others in carrying out activities and using materials
Evident when students, for example:
are attentive to the safe use of materials
insist that classmates use materials safely
act with caution in touching or smelling unfamiliar materials, refrain from tasting them, and encourage others to be cautious
point out to others simple and familiar safety symbols
put materials back where they belong
follow given directions for set-up, use, and clean-up of materials
wash hands before and after using materials, as directed by teacher
seek assistance immediately for any first aid concerns like cuts, burns, and unusual reactions
keep the work station uncluttered, with only appropriate materials present
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