U P D A T EVol. I, no. 3, November 1996 |
Vol. I, No 3, Novembre 1996 |
The Pan-Canadian Science Project is one of CMEC's most important projects in the area of
curriculum. Once this project has been completed, we will have a clear idea of what students
from kindergarten through to the end of secondary school should know and be able to do in
science. Meanwhile, work is continuing on schedule.
Anglophone and francophone teachers and members of the project team gathered in Winnipeg
from July 14 to 19, to further refine the general learning outcomes and to fill any identified gaps.
The teacher-writers and the project team also began to develop specific grade-by-grade learning
outcomes that flow naturally from the general learning outcomes.
A sub-group of anglophone and francophone teacher-writers gathered in Victoria in mid-September to finalize the general and specific learning outcomes and, with the coordinators from
the lead jurisdictions and the project team, begin preparing the consultative draft document.
In October and November, each participating jurisdiction is undertaking a public review of the
draft Pan-Canadian Common Framework of Science Learning Outcomes, K-12. The
consultative draft is still very much a work in progress. It is composed of:
- vision statement
- conceptual organization for the framework
- general science learning outcomes
- specific science learning outcomes
- summary of linkages between the curriculum comparability study, international initiatives, and
the foundation document
- terms and definitions
- annotated bibliography
The review of the consultative draft is a key component of the development process, since it
provides education stakeholders with an opportunity to offer feedback on what has been
developed to date. Even though curriculum developers in participating jurisdictions are the main
audience for this framework, comments are welcome from stakeholders with an interest in
science education. It should be noted that this is the only widespread consultation that will take
place during the development of the framework.
Within each participating jurisdiction or group of jurisdictions, the comments received will be
considered by the ministry or department coordinators who will be responsible for preparing a
summary report representing the position of that jurisdiction or group of jurisdictions. The
jurisdictional reports will then be sent to the lead jurisdictions for analysis and synthesis. The
resulting comprehensive report will inform the finalization of the Pan-Canadian Common
Framework of Science Learning Outcomes, K-12, expected for April 1997.
The consultative draft document can be accessed on this Web site. Please forward any comments to either of the project coordinators.