investigate objects and events in their immediate environment, and use appropriate language to develop understanding and to communicate results
develop vocabulary and use language to bring meaning to what is seen, felt, smelled, heard, tasted, and thought
explore and select different ways to represent ideas, actions, and experiences and to communicate with others
detect consistency and pattern in objects and events and use language to describe these patterns
observe and identify similarities and differences in the needs of living things
describe different ways that plants and animals meet their needs
describe ways that humans use their knowledge of living things in meeting their own needs and the needs of plants and animals
describe the different ways that humans and other living things move to meet their needs
identify and describe common characteristics of humans and other animals, and identify variations that make each person and animal unique
identify each of the senses and demonstrate how each one helps us to recognize, describe, and safely use a variety of materials
identify attributes of materials that we can learn to recognize through each of our senses
demonstrate ways that materials can be changed to alter their smell and taste
observe objects and materials and describe their similarities and differences
compare and describe the components of some familiar objects
describe changes in heat and light from the sun
compare the life cycles of familiar animals and classify them according to the similarities and differences of their life cycles
describe changes in humans as they grow, and contrast human growth to that of other organisms
investigate and compare properties of familiar liquids and solids
investigate and describe the interactions of familiar liquids and solids
identify ways to use a variety of liquids and to combine solids and liquids to make useful materials
investigate changes that result from the interaction of materials and describe how their characteristics have changed
demonstrate an understanding of sinking and floating objects by solving a related practical problem
describe the motion of an object in terms of a change in position and orientation relative to other objects
describe the position of an object relative to other objects or to an identified space, and place an object in an identified position
describe the position of objects from different perspectives
investigate and describe different patterns of movement and identify factors that affect movement
observe changes in air conditions in indoor and outdoor environments, and describe and interpret these changes
describe changes in the location, amount, and form of moisture, and identify conditions that can affect these changes
identify and describe parts of plants and their general function
identify and investigate life needs of plants and describe how plants are affected by the conditions in which they grow
observe and describe changes that occur through the life cycle of a flowering plant
investigate to identify materials that can be magnetized and materials that are attracted by magnets, and distinguish these from materials that are not affected by magnets
investigate the polarity of a magnet, determine the orientation of its poles, and demonstrate that opposite poles attract and like poles repel
identify conditions that affect the force of magnets and of static electric materials
describe the properties of some common materials and evaluate their suitability for use in building structures
investigate and describe how living things affect and are affected by soils
explore and describe a variety of soils and find similarities and differences among them
investigate and describe soil components
compare the absorption of water by different soils, and describe the effect of moisture on characteristics of the soils
observe and describe the effects of moving water on different soils
demonstrate and describe ways of using materials and tools to help answer science questions and to solve practical problems
explore how characteristics of materials may change as a result of manipulating them
identify and explore ways to use tools to help carry out a variety of useful tasks
demonstrate ways we can use materials to make different sounds
describe ways in which materials can be changed to alter their appearance and texture
explore and describe ways to create useful objects by combining or joining different components or materials
describe ways of measuring and recording environmental changes that occur in daily and seasonal cycles
observe and describe changes in the appearance and activity of an organism as it goes through its life cycle
describe and demonstrate ways to use everyday materials to produce static electric charges, and describe how charged materials interact
test the strength and stability of personally built structures, and identify ways of modifying a structure to increase its strength and stability
use appropriate tools in safely cutting, shaping, making holes through, and assembling materials
investigate ways to join materials and identify the most appropriate methods for the materials to be joined
demonstrate and describe ways of using earth materials to make useful objects
describe how science and technology affect their lives and those of people and other living things in their community
create a product that is functional and aesthetically pleasing to the user by safely selecting, combining, and modifying materials
identify objects used, how they are used, and for what purpose they are used
observe and describe changes in sunlight and describe how these changes affect living things
investigate and describe changes that occur on a daily basis in the characteristics, behaviours, and location of living things
investigate and describe changes that occur in seasonal cycles in the characteristics, behaviours, and location of living things
identify constant and changing traits in organisms as they grow and develop
describe features of natural and human-made environments that support the health and growth of some familiar animals
describe and demonstrate ways we use our knowledge of solids and liquids to maintain a clean and healthy environment
identify evidence of moisture in the environment, in materials, and in living things
demonstrate how air, as a substance that surrounds us, takes up space and is felt as wind when it moves
identify examples of water in the environment and describe ways that water is obtained, distributed, and used
describe ways in which plants are important to living things and the environment
identify parts of different plants that provide humans with useful products, and describe the preparation that is required to obtain these products and how our supply of useful plants is replenished
identify familiar uses of magnets
describe examples of the effects of static electricity in their daily lives, and identify ways in which static electricity can be used safely or avoided
identify shapes that are part of natural and human-built structures, and describe ways these shapes help provide strength, stability, or balance
evaluate simple structures to determine if they are effective and safe, if they make efficient use of materials, and if they are appropriate to the user and the environment
undertake personal actions to care for the immediate environment and contribute to responsible group decisions
choose materials to build a variety of real and imaginary settings, and play roles that correspond to these settings
recognize that humans and other living things depend on their environment, and identify personal actions that can contribute to a healthy environment
describe and demonstrate ways to use materials appropriately and efficiently to the benefit of themselves and others
investigate and describe human preparations for seasonal changes
identify the basic food groups, and describe actions and decisions that support a healthy lifestyle
describe the characteristics of the three states of water and predict changes from one state to another
describe the effects of weather and ways to protect things under different conditions
identify the importance of clean water for humans, and suggest ways they could conserve water
ask questions about objects and events in their immediate environment and develop ideas about how those questions might be answered
ask questions that lead to exploration and investigation
identify problems to be solved
make predictions, based on an observed pattern
select and use materials to carry out their own explorations
identify materials and suggest a plan for how they will be used
observe and explore materials and events in their immediate environment and record the results
follow a simple procedure where instructions are given one step at a time
manipulate materials purposefully
use appropriate tools for manipulating and observing materials and in building simple models
observe, using one or a combination of the senses
make and record relevant observations and measurements, using written language, pictures, and charts
estimate measurements
identify and use a variety of sources of science information and ideas
follow given safety procedures and rules and explain why they are needed
identify patterns and order in objects and events studied
use personal observations when asked to describe characteristics of materials and objects studied
place materials and objects in a sequence or in groups according to one or more attributes
identify the most useful method of sorting for a specific purpose
construct and label concrete-object graphs, pictographs, or bar graphs
identify and suggest explanations for patterns and discrepancies in observed objects and events
distinguish between useful and not useful information when answering a science question
propose an answer to an initial question or problem and draw simple conclusions based on observations or research
compare and evaluate personally constructed objects with respect to their form and function
identify new questions that arise from what was learned
work with others and share and communicate ideas about their explorations
Specific learning outcomes
communicate questions, ideas, and intentions while conducting their explorations
identify common objects and events, using terminology and language that others understand
communicate procedures and results, using drawings, demonstrations, and written and oral descriptions
respond to the ideas and actions of others in constructing their own understanding
respond to the ideas and actions of others and acknowledge their ideas and contributions
recognize the role and contribution of science in their understanding of the world
show interest in and curiosity about objects and events within their immediate environment
willingly observe, question, and explore
consider their observations and their own ideas when drawing a conclusion
appreciate the importance of accuracy
be open-minded in their explorations
work with others in exploring and investigating
be sensitive to the needs of other people, other living things, and the local environment
show concern for their safety and that of others in carrying out
activities and using materials
*Because of the nature of the attitudes foundation, no specific learning outcomes have been identified.